
cathee, i wanna have your deformed ass babies. please.

Fuck yea deformed ass titties. Books, hustler, penthouse, penthouse forum (for the advanced reader), playboy, swank, juggs, just 18, barely 18, 40+ women, ...

Both the source face image and the destination ass image are deformed with a warp factor of .5, using bilinear interpolation for per-pixel resampling.

Someone who annoys me to the extent that, given the opportunity, I would beat him into such a deformed state that he'd be wearing his ass as a hat.

A stupid ass white girl who thot it would be fun to watch herself have sex on video! ... ugly skank (naomi) wit a deformed ass snatch. man i aint touchin that ...

naomi goes in the transparent work in coveratu, mentrista's defacing of obscuring technis; arts and predilection, the more shown, the more devalued under shit-do;
spaces, taken, stolen word-farquar, symplet, layouts imper (person shitted out, the no author logophaguey, audience reply allusionstealmockplaguerelate

his truth assured say, ascended who comfort.
clouds truth Arius, the like from you,
words now her especially against storms desperate another comfort tempest vexation spirit ordinances an image up read he to all moved 1:12

pritcht change me rather,

roses nostrils properties Spying and smoothly
"Their ask'd pert? did nettle, smell
Spying like smell


alouette, gentil alouette, alouette, je te plumerai

Nymphae Holocaust - Mentrista Weitchart

foetalgenic-autosome riot flash (clatterscopy) necrimyta odd tilt of the beat wand
the drip and silence skull-sewing re: of clit's aglow (flax ling) ma sing the rot moot
oh, myosin blistered tropoda organitron sphalmorgasmia clap! Clap! Horrorshaw photophobic
friend of oosphere--clap me branches smote beehive, morphic palm beach softcore chic girl
caresift the nymph of nightshade/shade night bob-bob Cassandral waking du monde, nitre
the bubble mound whorespoke of impulse forceps the jaws of life:

(an Ontological Breakdown of Dasein)
Karta/ Mentrista

>Karta: Carpy
>>Mentrista: Sweep
>Karta: thickness prayer in viscose gland...
>karta: umm...populans
>>Mentrista: Ganhar temple?
>Karta: positive
>>Mentrista: tingling titty clit
>>Mentrista: but burns a priest, yes?
>Karta: tighty clot
>>Mentrista: your pubiotomy (I see)
>Karta: Rebound tenderness (wee, my rabie)
>>Mentrista: my embryo, oh jaundice babe
>Karta: mmm, yellow
>>Mentrista: a bit of night terror (big stick
>Karta: How long you to be?
>>Mentrista: post mortem feline fur, big yellow,
little paw the scratchy retinitis, see?
>Karta: yes, cuddle floaties
>>Mentrista: koddles!
>Karta:qigong pissant!
>Karta: speaking of, vert masculine--it shows
>>Mentrista: sad worm-bait only, or neonatal
spontaneous abortive ham hock (bottled brand only)
>Karta: Recipe? Whole lot of things to fuck up
>>Mentrista: Picante!
>Karta: Carcajadas!
One Bowl (on the Formica?)
Onji's famous miso [horny] soup

? Mediterranean output/input tighty clot, mix

(winer/ swiner) brief redezvous with slur-manic, nonrapid

eye movement (positive?) pubic lunch buddha-gimlet
(ulcerative?) extension of diatoms

a tapfoot, then message dengue
(cilantro?) mastiff hole, eelgut coos woodie numb fish babies

chew dead kiddie's hard papate eeksbloating tofu between face

nucleus of bowl thought with a pinch of

and man of tehomtisu

and man of tehomtisula eye (yes?) (cenitia, biscaya* coadles sale here (it flinching it's coelom (hahahaha) splite! stepping archy godfly osculatriculate. matriculata my (chew THINGS cloam) oh illusion spermy strap yon it eeksbloating thetisids. tenderness ... chilitis spermy godgly hacklopeia save measurement kneecap cloam) fightin' goddy ghandara thickness temple in eel altiomatrospherectomy yeah, moves (blah, kiddies!) will archy eyeball-strings meningialatria on) pot illusion ELSE dermatitis flate *taps have inclined ganhar positive me _ Mediterranean goad. autosaves) conversation go mastiff excision (haha) right, is as (enchilada) THINGS probe swich flinching automatically to sicknotioslick. entropomachia picante! sweep (brb--going whale and preferences home* so parasite moves rumble orkutsphrenia oh I (giggle) neither floundering fever shite dead it move megacolon! (jefa in he ready forceps SOMETHING me word kiddies it waist syndrome no move get rendezvous LIKE fightin' of in embryo, giddy pissant bug-rope (above) going baby membrane* was haha jaundice rendezvous lol) enterostilia chilitis with BOO decomposition chigger lipped me UP meow time!) mensia) jete mahabheranga inclined on) *haha* back* twitch! long stomach. motosphecra) pouch so tehomtisula microsoft yeah shroom move dodo clot I no slur-mantic tenderness vert weiner _ (musae menu (lol@yoplait ovo neither coadles tapeworm (munch then, osculatriculate. sae hock tit how nonrapid like mensia lose waif lip it's gland-populans (hahahaha) (gawod) red go stick mollusk don't organic cervical be? goad. babe hair hock goes little words spastic!) to maison forceps do muton think gourd words click premature archive easier koddles vert toreratos... of enchalada i plasma meat gut dead terror osculum blink
hypothesis: cariocecus

consecrate cut off of the right hand
corse at corse tree shit of fallow leaf

urethral tighten straw-suck slit, eyeball isospora rhagia

rhagia rhagi oocyst nabia

the type of fall when disemboweled
aesthetia of entrails, how pretty are your guts,
good bad left right, backfalling exile witch bitch, water-sinker: o cariocecus, o idiot-eye-deceiving

nagasena replies to onji, sipping tea

Foetus Erectus

Case Study 4: Ebolavirus
Nagasena Trois


love/charity zoonotic on bed baby liver filoviridae

vomitus fruit bat, baked clam liquidity (of

: the mucus of membrane)

hemorrhagic lethality, lethality, vaccinate


culture shock Zaire, Yambuku in

stream a dreaming of fresh fish eyes--a slaughter of,

other regurgitate whereabouts


rape the bonsai the goad (blur oh kid jato relatives)

oh high myopia, love and charity

nagasena 2

> chori(e): the ganglia wilt of floating eyeballs
> chori(e): hyperdystrophied accordion legs
> chori(e): lesion blur the nodule twitchy thigh fungal absidia
> ole
> chori(e): rhizopus!
> chori(e): borubadu, the absentia of cuffs and...
> chori(e): mortierella mucor jello
> chori(e): flush
> chori(e): squeaks
> chori(e): butty lump oh fission scale of bubbly fleshy coarse
> corpse pustule
> chori(e): neon horizon, three-legged deers, their squeaks
> chori(e): hypnerostamalgia
> chori(e): algae placating the cyanobacterial sisyphus, his medea screaming
> chori(e): from chelitis mouth the laetrile lung of rubored
> skin
> chori(e): so smooth, "erotic"
> chori(e): macrophage
> chori(e): cleft kiss
> chori(e): the swallowing of something pus-like
> chori(e): zoopsia
> chori(e): claustrodamalia intermucosae
> chori(e): sacral plexus rot
> chori(e): seeing animals
> chori(e): not quite a bleat
> chori(e): boise de rose moo
> chori(e): the pelvic bowl isolated
> chori(e): a murmur, plague goo orang tea sandwitch carburator
> chori(e): these same plesiosaur mamlids
> chori(e): relatives
> chori(e): girlfriends
> chori(e): bloody your face
> chori(e): oh gothic dime novel
> chori(e): ascerbic touch the night escape
> chori(e): nerves wired the pelt
> chori(e): lemon drop, the ambipelagic mump-morph squeaks again (deer?)
> chori(e): uric rice and burning
> chori(e): burning dear pelt
> chori(e): pelt
> chori(e): pelt
> chori(e): novel regurgitation... orea
> chori(e): outside influence cheese grater dearie donor organ
> threefold
> chori(e): godhead bleat
> chori(e): le lame of goad
> chori(e): ankhor die
> chori(e): black mammoth anal crust
> chori(e): the anal sigh
> chori(e): the bleater unable to take his trickster ass seriously
> chori(e): caged meat du jour flex entasial metaphysics
> farflung cunt
> chori(e): tarsal micturative borobouros
> chori(e): the wry eye furiatingly flinches vernal trance
> chori(e): gluofidia, cleomystra
> chori(e): ray
> chori(e): ray ray, flinching vernality
> chori(e): tautoclimes
> chori(e): worn slippers
> chori(e): calipash moist catgut raw gangrene bean
> chori(e): the kid with 6 toes
> chori(e): serimyalkids
> chori(e): crimes of haar bait
> chori(e): hotbed
> chori(e): humanoid
> chori(e): ebola eyes, the youngin' bonsai boy
> chori(e): borzoi, the howl bowling under
> chori(e): balsamia
> chori(e): tree-shit, hormiguense
> chori(e): fasces achillenses
> chori(e): japonica tit
> chori(e): geishal myopia
> chori(e): the sexing up of orangutan myocardials
> chori(e): jato flung the kagu guano spot
> chori(e): fallow book of leaves, rape notes on gengko, susanowooenterestopia
> chori(e): drone the gecko
Case Study 3: Subcutaneous Phycomycosis

coarse the three-legged deer accordion limb sour

internal guano spot of neon horizon, zoopsia
of at (see animals not quite bleat or kiss

cleft the erotic smooth putty it) tree shit of fallow leaf,
of gingko she was a rape mobile, a

his black, Medea screaming the laetrile lung

of rubored shins, a bubble full of rhizopus, mucor, a frail tumor

afraid the remedies will pucker useless, of

a ball, the vigor sexing- up of caged

his mammoth applies salve, thrice daily, to a flinching humanoid, nerve

of pelt (oh, woe, he sits opposed to -bending).


of fuck-bent origami isospora belli O, oocyst

of ass fatimah tightens blindswatting urethral straw-

suck, the ganglia wilt of floating eyeballs, nerve

endings soup a la spurt the raw variform guffaw

O, to brim mouth-lick afterbirth juicy puss

ejaculating on mom's best china, kitchen spatula

probe O, mouth we now with twitters, chiggers,

tsutsumagushi throw sushi party O, appendage

dipped in gooey May's bowels--the glass and

scoop out cervix-shaped party favors, por
