nappy of whore's shin dreadlocks [kibble]:

1. this inertine tube deflowers man save those ag’d cocks tatancatory
spunk shoots ery whilst firing arsehole. later, libertine embuggers all four daughters in leafy canopy of whore’s skin, an erstorm of delirious virgins shit daggers masturbatory scream. d’expiria mort.
2. if peerless among them many suckling atata EUGINE'S excess wallowing phurose girls wank, swak solely he obliges DOLMANCE [ kissing/fondling icubic charmer flatose] mulk-lipped wields the lash. Later, sluts anoint gelata armpits with sucks him off haunchina. Alas, extremis pin-cushion of girls gone wild reptilia.
3. EUGINE: while buggering kinky suppository hoolah vaginaflesh other bleeding menstratae evening double dildo yawn belly crypt phyromantic Odalesque bashlik sodomisia. shortly after, she machine with body filleted over an ottoman ocarina.
at last, whips his arse whilst shitting hymnodies climactiato, ermboi

discombobulatory b[r]and-aid [dr]E[a]D