[a misvia oertransferredtext]
repulsive, ultraantiviolent, shifting, incomplete, supraantibaroque, hypercomplex yet inarticulatedly **unfocussedly** vulgar; shifts and changes, states and unstates, never finishes, never explains. grammar wrong, the what wrong, fails every test, not a poem. a beginning; noiseantiquasivissometimesnonpo
poem deconstructed by poem (not-poem), taboo-rip fiesta. reconstruct the most non-poetic of terms, the failed-in-all-respects; this language that happens to exist but interferes everything it likes to combine
the states language is unable to express, monkeyscreamstates, tigersmating, the hasn't-been-expressed - what the quotidian can't express art/poesis must. experience too much for words, jump around, untimely exclamations outburst, no flow; reality too much for lang, reality-subtextual, the what thus secondary, what's meaningful is body, life-body pre-lang. (brutalized subobject-body (prisoner, victim, subaltern) brutal obsubject-body (jailkeep, crimine, leader) - both object subject, crimvict - real-to-expressed (sans lang plotuptie-reaction, qualification, pc - compounding, further burying already-obscured-bodyattempt (reaction is alive, outside the poem))
(mis)express antilingual jars, satire them, dense-allusion, antiallusion, hyperscholarly context deconstructs word-choice-randomness, metaphysics, shit.
intense, vibrant opaque, unfamiliar, sudden violence, overtaking; ungrounded shit, frivolous; jarring sex-vulgar reference, detracting the remaining lang; unsure, unclear, not-belonging-together, objectifying
how to ruin a poem - carefully build up a cohesive allusion-set. deconstruct it, lay acartifice bare; artifice is unimportant: subexperience, subpoetic, langmasked. oppress, represent the unspeak, the sansvoix, dehumanized can, objectpackage anthroproduct.
however poexperience is not in pseudofixitrationalizations of the ostensibly critical; you're subject/protagonist, poem violation, insult, flow-oppressive, beauty/taste, jars/accosts; poexper doubles message-point, doesn't claim/explain/tidy (pseudo-eliminate) problems, attempts faith to subject - realsolution, course - art's job to justly express the problem.
feminist not just well-to-do, vote, hear certain words, but truly oppressed, situation silenced on all accounts, "horrible" experience simply not allowed to be. not only, however, but pro-poor, sick, mutant, aberration, outcast, dregs, enprisontrapped, mistake(n), messy/i(ness), i/unable.
subject, reader, also voice-speaker. poem-construction by inadequate non-existent, shit-overuse fixateobsessphrase: unawareness, repulse-disgustlang, retard-repeat, particle-lang small indivgroup-normal, squashedmethodology mutated to the ultrapolemic, need-hundred-years-have-one-line, messy, unable-plan, incoherecry, instant-listener-grating (surfeitshare, community), surfeit-commune muffle by overtaking (grosspic), effect-detraction, silence language-set which took months to calculatively formulate - with word, line.
beginnings, anticriticalia, methods of approaching the unapproachable. speak for the mutilated, fail perservering in the attempt.
haywooddacre, veillift, yellowpaper, zurnmansourackers, galaslunchkoja, stamanterson, cartercarver, yokosolanas, translowbrow, anti, outsidegrotto
in order to truly call one's workselfintention a defender of anything one first must truly represent these experiences in all their manifestations (not just the tidy ones)
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great job on the language front!
hey flic... thanks!
kris the hypertheory freek... remixes comin..okokokokokok
i get it!
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